Monday, July 27, 2009

janealiendi sent you a video: "Ken makes a mini-book"

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Ken makes a mini-book
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Back to work

Holidays ending is like saying goodbye to an old friend. You physically feel the loss and a mild melancholy slips over you... a deeper version of Sunday afternoon blues. I'm glad it has happened, because like all unwanted anticipations the event itself is far less traumatic than the build ridiculous does this sound? Of course it is not that bad. What I'm really going to miss is not the holiday but the 'making' that my holidays entail - books and knitting at the moment....sometimes I 'work' harder on holidays than when I'm at 'work'...and I love an old friend.

First day back today. Pupil free day - lol. The layers of meanings embedded in that phrase are infinite and somewhat ironic. Needless to say they are a waste of time, (the days not the pupils). Not really but .....what is a teacher without a pupil? Probably someone in a meeting listening to a bunch of other teachers talking about how to better engage the 'pupil'....and the lucky little buggers are off running free.

During one of the workshops today boredom induced rebellion led to me fantasising about making a book. The bookclub workshop proposed by doubleelephant manifested itself on the back of two coasters (the only blank writing space available at the local bowling club0. I have set myself the challenge of photographing them and putting them on this blog for tomorrow. hopefully this will be the start of documenting the process of producing the books for the exhibition.
Gotta run now. Wag the Dog lesson preparation is waiting. The pupils can't be left to run free for too long.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Managed to send this film to myself after a lot of stuffing around!! Not really how i wanted it displayed but never mind...will keep trying . I found this little gem while preparing a unit for year 12 on 'meaning and representation'...whatever that means.

janealiendi sent you a video: "The Most Beautiful Man in the World"

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the most beautiful man in the world
© 2009 YouTube, LLC
901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Third time lucky

Phew! managed to get something posted.
Just back from Sturt Winter School and my first aim was to set up a blog. Even before i start making more books. The bloggers seemed so in touch with what is going on. A great thing for anyone who makes anything and wants to share their ideas.
Experienced bloggers talked about having some focus for your the moment i just want to get it on the screen but basically i think I'll share ideas to do with:

and eating.

Pretty much covers everything.
Sent my first post this morning but something went badly wrong!! Will stick to things short and sweet until I figure out what I'm doing.

1st blog